Suk’s original drama Mrs Sidhu Investigates, starring Meera Syal and Craig Parkinson, recently premiered in the USA on AcornTV/Prime and had its UK premiere on Drama Channel/UKTV. Suk adapted the series from his original BBC Radio 4 comedy drama programme of the same name. He wrote 2 x 90’ episodes and was also Executive Producer.
As a screenwriter, Suk’s credits include Goodness, Gracious, Me and five series of the Emmy Award-winning The Kumars at No. 42. He started as a regular contributor to TV and radio sketch and topical shows including The News Quiz, Swinging, and Armando Iannucci’s Charm Offensive.
Suk is currently developing a number of television projects with leading writers and producers including STV Studios. His debut cosy crime novel Dead and Scone was published by Harper Collins in Autumn 2023 and has already received glowing reviews in The Guardian, The Observer and The Mail on Sunday.